Firefly Lane, by Kristin Hannah. My cousin lended this to me and told me that I would love it. Well, she was right. It's a thick book and I read it fairly quickly. Then I bought myself a copy.
Three Weeks with My Brother, by Nicholas Sparks. Nick and his brother Micah go on a trip together and reminisce about their life. It's probably the best memoir I've ever read. Autobiographies are the best :)
Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson. My seventh grade English teacher recommended this to me. I really enjoyed it. The movie was good also. It's kind of weird to see Kirsten Stewert before her Twilight days.
The Help, by Kathryn Stockett. I absolutely adored this book. It is historical fiction and set it one of my favorite time periods (the 60's). The movie is one of my favorite films also. Emma Stone was the perfect person to play Skeeter. Jessica Chastain fit Miss Celia's part very well also.
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, by Anne Frank. I read this in two days. I could relate to her feelings really well.
The Choice, by Nicholas Sparks. This was definitely my favorite book I read by him, besides Three Weeks with My Brother, of course, but you can't compare those because they aren't really in the same category.
Marley & Me, by John Grogan. I cried like a baby in this book! It really showed the connection between a family and their dog. Worth reading.
Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry. I read this in my sixth grade language arts class. I loved it so much I bought myself a copy.
The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook, by Piven and Borgenicht. No other book has made me laugh so hard! I don't know if the writers wanted it to be stupid on purpose or what, but the things in here are truly ridiculous. They can't help you at all! (Well, maybe a few.) But that's why I really like it.
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, by Stephen King. I'm not one for scary novels, so I knew if I wanted to read something of his, this should be it. I loved the memoir part most, but the writing part was helpful also.
How to Find Flower Fairies, by Cicely Barker. This is the most prettiest book I have ever seen. It is a pop up and has cursive handwriting in it. It is about this girl, Cicely, and her private fairy notebook that was published posthumously. It is so fun to read and look at.

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