Anyway, this is my second year going to Alto Frio Baptist Encampment (Master's Camp). It's 5 days long...leaving is truly bittersweet:
1.) While you are there you are surrounded by your your bothers and sisters in Christ who lift you up and encourage you everyday: My church brought about 40 kids to camp (there are more than that, but a few couldn't make it.) Some of them at the beginning were more of acquaintances. I can speak for all of us by saying that all of us are now family. Our church really is a family and we are all very close. We all share a passion for Jesus. Not to mention we are all BFF.
2.) You are able to have total focus during worship while you are there: I'd like to add though that it's not that you are in the middle of nowhere with no electronics that makes you focus, there is plenty else to distract you (giggly friends, cute boys, etc.), but it's a decision to focus. Here you can realize that.
3.) Your relationship with Jesus grows stronger: You have time to clear your head of all the nonsense and just focus on the two of you. The theme of this year is "Roots". Growing your roots strong in God's word and in your relationship. This was your theme verse:
"And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught and you will overflow with thankfulness."
Colossians 2:6-7
4.) Listening to God: As I get older I have to think about "what I want to be when I grow up". Obviously, I love writing! And I've been pretty set on it. There has just been a part of me that felt like...that's not exactly what I should be doing. I had no idea why. Was it just typical doubt?
While walking upstairs to my dorm I noticed a Bible verse on the wall:
"Everything has already been decided. It was known long ago what each person would be. So there's no use arguing with God about your destiny."
Ecclesiastes 6:10
Then, for the whole next day something just kept running through my mind...I was meant to go into ministry. However, I was reluctant. I mean I really didn't want to even consider that for a possible career choice! After worship every church group is supposed to meet in an assigned room and talk about the day. I knew I had to raise my hand and share what my feelings were. So with a beating heart and sweaty palms, I raised my hand and shared what I had to say. I felt embarrassed about it at first, but then it sunk in. I was called by God to do this. I just can't brush off that feeling.
After talking to one of my new friends (who also has been called to go into ministry) I felt better about the whole thing (thank you so much for talking to me and helping me!) and I figured out I want to pursue this. I have to. I'm going to do that through writing. It's my gift and I need to use it.
The first step, we (My friend and I) are starting a Bible study at our church for just the girls. It's going to be student led by us two and we are going to talk about typical girl things. But instead we are going to do it on a more intimate level with Jesus. Lights dimmed, serious attitude (for part of it, there will be giggling too), and spilling our guts to one another. Man! If I had that when I was younger I think things would have gone a lot smoother than they did. Also, our youth pastor is a just can't let your guts spill as much in this case.
Last, but not least we are planning regularly scheduled slumber parties where we will discuss the same issues, but have more time to unload and talk. (Hah, I sound like such a girl.)
5.) Break Downs: On the last night of camp we had worship and some people were crying because they really felt the lesson. I was a bit upset (not that much, just a slight feeling) because I hadn't felt it on the same level as they did (I had the other nights). If I only knew...
Instead of our usual "Church Group Time" the sponsors and pastor set up our room with tons of candles and rearranged the entire room! The boys were asked to tuck in there shirts (which about as hard to do as pulling teeth) and we were asked to walk in one by one with no talking. We did The Lord's Supper, prayed, and sang. Then we were asked to talk about things that were bothering us. Of course I'm not going into detail, but everyone was crying...Teenage boys, who have a usual mask of swagger, were breaking down and crying. Girls were throwing out all their burdens for everyone to see. And in our family (our church) we can do that kind of thing because there is absolutely no judgment from the others. Everyone will listen, understand, pray for you, lift you up, and watch you begin your healing through Jesus.
6.) Sweet Little Examples: So there are the two adorable little middle schoolers that we all suspected liked each other (I will call them Girly and Sweet Boy)...Girly and Sweet Boy were walking around camp during free time when Girly suddenly got sick. While Girly was puking you would think that Sweet Boy would be disturbed and just stand off to the side...Instead, he held her hear back for her! When Girly was telling us (the girls in our dorm) this we all went "Awww!!!" in unison! So we had the plan of during "Church Group Time", when we share things that happened in the day, my friend (the same one who wants to go into ministry) was going to stand up and give this whole speech about what happened.
It went something like this:
"OK, so usually the middle school boys are being taught a few things about how to 'get the ladies' from the high school boys." All the boys cheer jokingly. "Well, the high school boys are going to learn a thing or two from this little boy right here." She points over to Sweet Boy. "Earlier today Girly was puking her brains out and instead of him just standing there all disgusted he...held her hair back for her! Learn a thing or two from him! He's a keeper!" All the girls cheer!
1.) The shower head: I hate to complain, but this was just terrible...there were three showers in the bathroom and during free time us girls (four of us took our shower at this time) would take our showers and chit chat (and yes, sing) during it. I guess it was a popular time to take showers (we are just guessing that it does this when a lot of people are taking their showers) because the water was literally a cold dribble! It took like and hour to take a shower! Occasionally it would be warm dribble or cold, but had pressure.
2.) Cafeteria Food: Yeah, self explanatory.
3.) Texas Heat: Yet again, self explanatory.
Over all, I love this camp and I would recommend it to everyone! I look forward to it every year!
Much love,
P.S. I really missed my mattress.

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