Then... I remembered the Pinterest picture about the natural way to lose 5 lbs of water weight. I forgot all about it all until that time... so I googled it and I found it again. Here is the picture:

And... it works. I started last Saturday and yesterday was my last day. The taste isn't too awful and I feel skinnier. I read on Pinterest some people use this a week before their wedding or to kick start a diet. Unfortunately it's just water weight so you will gain it back in 1-2 weeks, but that's okay.
Here are some tips:
1. Let the drink sit in the fridge for an hour or two after you've made it. For some reason, this drink seems easier to gulp down when it's cold. Also, cold drinks burn calories as opposed to warm.
2. Let the tea bag stay sit in the drink for a while before you actually drink it. I read that some people brew the tea and THEN put it in the drink, but I didn't. Lemon is the main component in this drink next to water, so it covers up the lemony sour taste if you leave it in there for a while. The first day of drinking this I didn't do this and just a few gulps at a time made me gag. So leave the tea bag float around for a while.
3. FYI - 60 ounces = 7 1/2 cups. I had to Google this, so I thought I'd help you out for those who are bad with measurements.
4. Be at home or near the John when you go. Because you will be going to the bathroom every 15 minutes until you drink it all. You'll notice your pee will be crystal clear which means it's doing it's job.
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