Saturday, July 7, 2012

Favorite Words List :)

You know how I love lists! Well I read on to create this list to get your creative juices flowing. It's a work in progress, because you don't ever have to stop adding to it.
  1. memoir
  2. laissez faire
  3. gait
  4. perhaps
  5. skeptical
  6. tactic
  7. guerrilla warfare
  8. chuckle
  9. reminisce
  10. projectile vomitiing
  11. Antoinette
  12. crepe
  13. recall
  14. democracy
  15. fiancee
  16. forte
  17. homogeneous
  18. eloquence
  19. abundant
  20. oxymoron
  21. onomatopoeia
  22. l'esprit de escalalier
So there you go! I just started it, so it's not very long yet! In my notebook I actually made it really pretty looking. I used all of my prettiest handwriting to write the words and there is doodlings around it. I encourage you to make your own because it's very amusing and fun. But when you have a word you want to add to it but you don't have your writer's notebook close by, WRITE IT DOWN at least somewhere. You'll forget it. Write it on your hand or just a sticky note. The biggest lie I've ever told myself is that I'd remember something without writing it down. What a fool I'd been!

If you have made your own Favorite Words list, comment on this post and leave a link to it so I can look at yours. Let me know what you think of mine also. :)


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